In this video, we delve into the devastating earthquake that struck Fossa, Italy. On April 6, 2009, a powerful 6.3 magnitude earthquake rocked the region, causing widespread destruction and loss.
Livermore is located close to Lincoln, Woodstock, and Mount Washington. But what's the history of this tiny, two-person town? And's an abandoned ghost town? According to whitemountainhistory ...
A 'ghost town' in China that cost $85billion (£70billion) to build had been labelled 'boring' by one of its few residents. The city of Xiong'an, in the province of Hebei, was established in 2017.
All that growth, however, came to a screeching halt in 2020. Not a broker, lender, owner or anyone, really, was ready for the pandemic, leaving American downtowns as an approximation of the tumbleweed ...
Labelled 'boring' by one of its scant few residents, China's $85billion (£70billion) 'ghost town', the city of Xiong'an, has underwhelmed despite significant hype. The Hebei province city ...