A large pig, 3 feet tall and 5 feet long, will be the centerpiece of the new library garden being developed in Kouts.
Meet Samantha Murray, the newly selected garden coordinator of the UC Davis Bee Haven, a pollinator and demonstration garden installed in the fall of 2009 by the UC Davis Department of Entomology and ...
He focuses on the healing benefits of plant oxygen production for cleaner air indoors and the beauty of individual plants and ...
Mark Straver of leading grower Hortus Loci says Chelsea planting themes for 2025 are “resilience to all weather extremes.
If the grant is approved, funding would be used construct pickleball courts at Lee Lydic Park “to meet the growing ...
As time passes, I have come to regard the (Euryops pectinatus) as an ornamental plant that no Southern California garden ...
Residents of Kasturbanagar Association (ROKA) has established a bio-gas plant with the support of EFI and Avris ...
In Hawaii, growing roses is always a rewarding challenge to the gardener. Roses are cool climate plants that do best at ...
Despite being a relatively recent addition, built in the 1920s as a country retreat, it's not the house that steals the show ...
Weeds are big competitors for water, sunlight and nutrients, which are all needed to ensure successful germination of ...
What will our gardens look like in 2025? The thing about opinions is that everybody's got one. The same can be said about ...
The book “Grasses for Gardens and Landscapes” is a comprehensive guide filled with expert maintenance techniques and an encyclopedia of garden-worthy grasses.