Invisible dog fences not only help keep your pets safe and within sight as they roam your outdoor space, but they also offer several advantages over traditional underground systems. The best ...
You've tagged your deer, field dressed it, got some buddies to help you haul it out (and celebrate), and now you've got it hanging from the meat pole. Nice work—and good timing, too. At this ...
The City of Vernon has outlawed spiked deer-killing fences. In an unanimous vote today, Feb. 14, Vernon council passed a bylaw that will prohibit anyone from installing such a fence in the future.
The gift-giving holiday season is a great time to begin the quest to fully outfit a deer hunter – from guns and a scope and ammo to clothing and all the other necessities of a deer hunt. (Stock Photo) ...
But after using an indoor garden for three years, I’m a convert. It’s really useful as insurance that I’ll always have fresh herbs — it’s like a tiny farmers’ market stand in my ...