Expected Price in India. GTA 6’s standard edition is projected to retail at Rs 5,999, while premium editions could go up to Rs 7,299. Though pre-order discounts may be av ...
News and opinion about video games, television, movies and the internet. Well, I wasn’t expecting to wake up to GTA 6 news, but this is a rather odd story that fans are eating up voraciously.
The expansion of the GTA Online new cars line up has temporarily paused this week, so there's no fresh ride to follow up on last week's launch of the Vapid Firebolt ASP, but there are still plenty ...
The GTA Online Agents of Sabotage DLC is now available to download and play on the supported platforms. The download size varies on both consoles by a fair bit. Here are the pre-load sizes for ...
Is there a GTA V mobile port? This open-world opus is still enjoyed by millions around the world, so is there actually a way to enjoy it on-the-go? Sadly, there isn’t an official GTA V mobile port, at ...
Despite being 9 years since its launch, GTA 5 is still one of the most popular games. It also ranks number 2 in the most-sold games of all time. The reason for the popularity of GTA 5 is that it ...