Following is a transcript of the video. Narrator: At first glance, a fire ant hill — or mound, as it's properly called — looks impossibly small. And yet, a colony of up to 250,000 ants call it ...
Ants remember their encounters with individuals from another nest and treat every member of that nest accordingly. Although this demonstrates remarkable capacity given their tiny brains, it may also ...
Fire ants are forming rafts to travel on flood waters across storm-ravaged Australia, aiding the spread of one of the world's most invasive species. Considered a super pest, fire ants can cause ...
Whole streets in Texas are underwater, and social media has filled with images of clumps of floating fire ants, massed together in a structure on the surface. Entomologists say it is normal ...
Red imported fire ants, a venomous invasive species of ant, are on the verge of becoming established in Japan. Once it has become an established species, the little arthropod, known as “hiari ...
NARA--The use of smell could be a key weapon in repelling and controlling invasive ant species from South America, scientists learned. The researchers from Nara Women’s University and other ...