Tamil Nadu BJP leader Tamilisai Soundararajan defended the use of cow urine in response to IIT Madras Chairperson’s claims ...
Ground beef is a versatile kitchen staple, but its color can raise questions about its safety. Find out when it's safe to eat and when it's best to toss it.
After IIT Madras Director V Kamakoti's remarks about cow urine's 'medicinal properties' drew criticism, former BJP President ...
What could go wrong with eating an extremely high-fat diet of beef, cheese, and sticks of butter? Well, for one thing, your ...
Many different cultures have their version of Matty Matheson's so-called "dog bowl" filled with beef, egg and rice.
You don’t need to give up steaks entirely. But mounting evidence shows that a diet that incorporates more plant-based protein ...
Former Telangana Governor Tamilisai Soundararajan sparks controversy by promoting cow urine as medicine, facing criticism from Tamil Nadu politicians.
Beef production generates 310 kilograms of carbon dioxide per kilo of protein ... There are a variety of things that can be ...
A display at the Australian Museum urging people to eat less meat and to stop cows burping has raised concerns about the ...