"Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan," the Eddie Murphy action-comedy "Beverly Hills Cop," the romantic drama "Dirty Dancing," "The Social Network," about the founding of Facebook, and the Coen ...
(Spyglass Media Group/Library of Congress via AP) This image released by the Library of Congress shows James Cagney, right, in a scene from the 1938 film “Angels with Dirty Faces.” (Warner ...
KSI’s Dirty, featuring Billie Eilish, stands as one of the most talked-about collaborations in recent memory. Though speculation surrounds its placement in KSI’s upcoming album Caught in Two Minds, ...
Parents need to know that Dirty Angels is an extremely violent action thriller about a team of tough, brave, skilled female soldiers led by Eva Green who must navigate the insurgency and instability ...
Journeyman Martin Campbell directs “Dirty Angels,” a by-the-numbers hostage thriller set in Afghanistan, in blunt, workmanlike fashion. The movie takes place in the present day but feels like it could ...