Controllers for which Arduino libraries haven’t been written yet. The horror. Until those libraries are developed, there’s ChronusMAX, a USB dongle that allows you to use XBox One controllers ...
[Arnov] is bringing his own custom-made controller to the party and it is sure to impress. The design appears to have been inspired by the Xbox controller layout. Two joysticks for fine control of ...
That said, you're not missing out if you're an Xbox One player as all controllers featured in this list work with previous generation hardware via backwards compatibility. And just to add ...
This controller may be more affordable, but it's not a cheap knockoff. It’s licensed by Xbox and compatible with the Xbox Series X, Series S, Xbox One and Windows 10 and above; that means you can ...
an Xbox Series X console & wireless controller, a ROG Ally X, a twelve-month Game Pass Ultimate code, one of the numbered Game Over controllers, as well as what’s being called a Pink Guard ...