One activity worth exploring is creative journaling. Creative journaling is a form of personal expression and self-care Merging art with writing, creative journaling is one of the best ways to make a ...
Several groups sat together in the picturesque garden and new friendships formed, with participants letting their creative juices flow and making an aesthetic journal spread. Old School Moth also ...
The New School offered the first academic creative writing workshop in 1931 and pioneered a new philosophy of education. The idea: Students would make their own lives and their own stories part of ...
Technology is like sorcery, it’s a magic show, conjures up spirits, it’s an extension of our body, like the wheel is an extension of our foot. But it might be the final nail driven into the coffin of ...
Riester was selling air time at Eden when the executive vice president approached him about hearing his voice on the radio in a client’s campaign. In order to get the client to buy air time, Riester ...