It is time for all endoscopists, regardless of what agent(s) they prefer for purgation, to adopt a split-dose regimen for colonoscopy preparation. The scale rates three sections of the colon ...
Approximately one in four individuals undergoing colonoscopy has an inadequate bowel preparation. Data from two retrospective studies indicate that 42–48% of colon polyps are missed on ...
Over time, some polyps transform malignantly ... Preparing for Your Colonoscopy Preparation involves dietary modifications and a bowel-cleansing regimen to ensure the colon is clear for examination.
In a recent meta-analysis, Tam et al. investigated the effect of listening to music on procedure time and amount of sedation used during colonoscopy. Data from eight studies including 722 patients ...
Weight loss medications could impact patient colonoscopies Patients with adequate bowel preparation before a colonoscopy see an increase in both accuracy and safety for the procedure. However, a new ...