A migraine aura may present as visual disturbances, often followed by a headache. Other symptoms may include tingling sensations or numbness in the face or limbs and difficulty speaking or ...
Chronic migraine becomes “refractory” when preventive treatments don’t work to reduce the frequency of episodes. Treatment may include complementary therapies like neuromodulation.
Chronic migraine is a severe neurological disorder impacting physical and mental health, causing frequent headaches and affecting daily life. It limits social activities, reduces work efficiency ...
Migraines can be diagnosed by a healthcare provider using information from a medical history and physical exam. Migraines are recurrent episodes that usually manifest with headaches, and they can be ...
Migraine with brainstem aura (basilar type migraine). Castle D ... Calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) inhibitors as preventive treatments for patients with episodic or chronic migraine: ...
The NICE recommendation of Vyepti as a comparator to other treatments in the CGRP inhibitor class provides another option for people living with episodic or chronic migraine, particularly those ...
[92] Onabotulinum toxin-A is approved for headache prophylaxis in adults with chronic migraine and has ... Headache with the features of migraine without aura usually follows the aura symptoms.