“Severance” follows the lives of a group of workers at a company called Lumon Industries who have agreed to undergo a procedure known as “severance.” During this operation, a device — the Severance ...
Christopher Weaver is a reporter at The Wall Street Journal. He joined the Journal in 2011 to cover U.S. healthcare companies before moving to the investigations team in 2016. He has reported on ...
Christopher Mims is a columnist who writes about technology for The Wall Street Journal's tech bureau in San Francisco. The subjects of his columns vary widely from one week to the next.
Severance is led by Adam Scott and features Zach Cherry, Patricia Arquette, Britt Lower, Tramell Tillman, Christopher Walken, John Turturro, Dichen Lachman, and others in supporting roles.
Could there be three more romantic words in any language than, 'Please sign here’? Blushing boyfriends used to go down on one knee and offer an engagement ring along with their undying love as ...
Chris is a 17-year games media veteran specialising in video games business. He spent nine years at UK business weekly MCV, including five years as editor. He joined GI in 2016 and oversees ...