Released in August 2024, Alien: Romulus is set between the events of 1979's Alien and its first sequel Aliens, released in 1986. The movie, which just landed on Disney+ today (January 15), features ...
EastEnders star Charlie Brooks has addressed the chances of her character Janine Butcher returning for the soap's 40th-anniversary celebrations. The BBC One soap is set to celebrate its anniversary ...
After a four-day extension to the district’s annual winter break as a result of last weekend’s massive snowstorm, Dayton Public Schools officials said ...
They'll have to do so without their captain. … and fans are all saying the same thing about the matchup. Jalen Brunson has been ruled out for Friday's contest against the Western Conference's ...
Coronation Street has provided an update on Stu Carpenter following his recent departure from the soap. Stu bowed out from Weatherfield in October last year, but he's now playing a role in Mason ...
While the prosthetic stomach was part of her costume for the TV series American Horror Story, it didn’t stop some fans speculating that she was pregnant with her first child.