Remy, a seemingly naive and devout young woman, finds herself cast out from her religious cult. With no place to turn, she immerses herself into the underground world of truck stop sex workers.
Coastal Road ‘returns’ 6,000 sq m submerged land to Breach Candy Hospital and Club Records with the Collector’s office reveal that the land is owned by the Mumbai City District Collector.
Nightmare Cinema features five stories connected through the titular movie house ... director of the brutal Hard Candy. Each director of the five segments approaches horror in a markedly different ...
Gardners Candies said in a statement to Newsweek on December 30 that "our product has been officially cleared and is now safe to consume." It added that the "safety and well-being of our customers ...
None of the detectives can get a full ... movie, but it’s one of those films where you have to see it to appreciate just how bad it really is. It’s the kind of flick people might throw candy ...