Pugs, also known as the “Carlin” in France and the “Mops” in Germany, are a small breed of dog known for their wrinkled faces, curled tails, and endearing expressions. They are a toy breed, which ...
WILMINGTON, N.C. (WECT) - An unnamed, approximately 2-year-old tan and brown brindle dog is available for adoption from the New Hanover County Sheriff’s Office Animal Shelter. He is described as a ...
“ARC responders found 23 small mix-breed dogs running loose on urine-soaked, feces-covered floors and broken furniture with make-shift fencing inside the trailer,” the organization wrote.
Before I could stop my dogs, they just ran out to the bears."The bear grabbed Sprout's Pomeranian mix and wouldn't let go. "I couldn't let her die," said Sprout. "She was screaming in pain." ...