At the stroke of midnight heralding the arrival of the New Year, 2025, India welcomed its first baby of the new generation, ‘Gen Beta’. Born at 12:03 AM on January 1, Baby Frankie from Mizoram ...
For a family in Mizoram, the birth of a baby was not just a New Year gift but a moment in India's history. At a hospital in the northeastern state's capital Aizawl, the first baby in the country from ...
Intergenerational tension is hardly unique to accounting firms as Gen Z — the age cohort born between 1997 and 2012 — makes its presence felt in the workplace, but it holds a particular ...
In 1980, Gen X was entering its mid-teens and made up about 22 per cent of Canada’s total population. 4:41 Demographer on Canada’s record-low fertility rate Sean Lyons, an expert in ...
Whereas young people in rich countries these days are addicted to their phones, more anxious than previous generations and far less likely than them to use mind-altering substances or to party ...
As Generation Z (born between 1997 and 2012) continues to integrate into the workforce, challenges inside the world of work are making advancement difficult. In 2025, five major trends are ...
It’s 2025 and a new generational name has been born: “Generation Beta.” As people across the globe rang in the new year with celebrations, traditions and resolutions earlier this week, the first ...
Currently, Millennials and Gen Z experience some of the highest levels of stress - with 18- to 34-year-olds saying their average stress level is a 6 out of 10, compared with a 3.4 among people ...
Here's what's in store for you tomorrow (January 4): For individuals with the Pisces zodiac sign, tomorrow is expected to be a moderate day. In the professional realm, you may have the opportunity to ...
Your horoscope encourages you to embrace your unique perspective, foster change, and contribute to a better world. Here is what is in store for you tomorrow (January 4): For individuals with the ...