British comedian Ricky Gervais is saying farewell to a beloved co-star. The German Shepherd dog, named Vislor Antilly, or Anti, played 'Brandy' in the hit Netflix show After Life for all three seasons ...
It might be difficult for some die-hard football fans to understand, but some people watch the Big Game only for the ...
Milton is just one of several Pugs Jonathan has had since he started his TikTok journey: he began with Noodle, also known as ...
Junior the rescue dog has always had a special attachment to his human companion, Daniel, and he reckons he knows why.
A local developer has pitched an alternative plan for a project proposed by Developer Jake Porritt, but some elected ...
Here’s a rundown of Poppy Playtime ‘s full history.
While film stars may come to mind when you think of 'celebrity pets,' the real money is in building a massive following on ...
"While dog’s feet are tough, prolonged exposure to icy temperatures can cause damage, so keep walks short and sweet and ...
Pets come in all shapes, sizes, and personalities, but some breeds stand out with their unique quirks and endearing traits.
One glimpse into SHAG Studios and you know that owner Casey Nickole does not do anything halfway. The mixed-use salon on South Main near downtown Dayton is an 11,000 square foot maximalist fantasy.
The two reunited after Knevitt suffered a brain bleed during Christmas. Knevitt has been in hospice ever since.
Petecio and the rest of the national pugs are eyeing several tournaments ... And expect Petecio to fight for slots and be part of it all.