Passive-aggressive behavior is indirect hostility rather than a direct expression of anger. A person may look or sound neutral when the intent is to be aggressive. For example, someone jealous of a ...
If your loved one has Alzheimer's or another form of dementia, you may be wondering how to cope with swearing and other bad or foul language; words that can be shocking when they come from the mouth ...
‘Sundowning’ is a term that refers to behavior changes in people with dementia that occur at a particular time of day. Also known as “sundowner’s syndrome,” sundowning is a set of ...
In some cases, they may become aggressive or even violent ... or psychological abuse perpetuating a "vicious cycle" of physical or psychological impairment, suicidal behaviors, and cognitive decline.
Around a million people in the UK live with dementia, over half of them in advanced stages. As dementia progresses, it can lead to difficult behaviors like aggression, restlessness, wandering, and ...