who owns Mumbai luxury with wife Mira Kapoor is making headlines for this property which is located in Cozy Apartments. The couple recently rented out this 1,400 sq ft property for a monthly rent ...
For 10 Years, This Mom of 3 Has Made a One-Bedroom NYC Rental Work Tours Alexa Priego is a full-time content creator and mom of three, and for the past 10 years has rented this 525-square-foot, ...
The building was made by Satguru Builders. Saif Ali Khan owns four floors, where his home is located. Saif Ali Khan’s apartment in Mumbai is very large, covering 10,000 square feet. It has five ...
Traffic signals at St. Dominic’s Drive and Yosemite are part of the improvements that the construction of a proposed 264-unit apartment complex will require.