Each year, during Università Porte Aperte, presidents of degree courses or their delegates, accompanied by tutors, welcome freshmen: an opportunity to introduce the new cycle of university studies to ...
1, To access bachelor's and single-cycle master's degree programs, it is necessary to take an admission or assessment test: 2. For information regarding the topics and dates of the exam, it is ...
Following the popular referendum results against mass migration on 9 February 2014, the European Union and Swiss authorities decided to suspend negotiations on the participation of Switzerland in ...
A chi è rivolto: studentesse e studenti iscritte/i per l’a.a. 2024-25 al primo anno dei corsi di laurea magistrale in Accounting, Finance and Business Consulting, Applied Economics, Management for ...
EU students: More information on the Call for applicaiton will be available soon. A course delivered entirely in English, with an international approach, teaching the methods and instruments of ...
Uni-Impresa è un programma nato nel 2017 per potenziare le relazioni tra il mondo accademico e quello imprenditoriale, promuovendo il trasferimento di conoscenze e competenze. Tramite Uni-Impresa, si ...
This programme is ideal for Bachelor's, Masters and PhD students who want to shape the future of space exploration in a thoughtful and responsible manner. Core topics covered in the course include ...
You can consult the timetable of lectures and the occupancy of the university's teaching rooms at www.gestionedidattica.unipd.it/PortaleStudenti.
This qualification is open to graduates with a 1st cycle or foreign equivalent degree and requires a further 120 credits, which can be accumulated over an average of two years. Previous specific ...
The Erasmus+ for Studies programme allows students to spend a period of study (between 2 and 12 months) at one of the other 500 universities in one of the participating European countries, also in a ...
This bachelor's degree is an interuniversity programme between the University of Padua and the University of Bologna. It offers interdisciplinary training in the field of human health, with reference ...