Indice dei corsi e test al CLA, alcuni con modalità a distanza.Certificazione CILS ...
Destinations include the Arqus Alliance partner Universities - Granada, Graz, Leipzig, Lyon, Maynooth, Minho, Vilnius and Wroclaw (Open Arqus Mobility). Students are required to independently consult ...
You can consult the timetable of lectures and the occupancy of the university's teaching rooms at
EU students: More information on the Call for applicaiton will be available soon. A course delivered entirely in English, with an international approach, teaching the methods and instruments of ...
La Summer School SPACE ETHICS è pensata per fornire ai partecipanti le conoscenze e le capacità di pensiero critico necessarie per affrontare le sfide etiche poste dalla crescente presenza dell’essere ...
Following the popular referendum results against mass migration on 9 February 2014, the European Union and Swiss authorities decided to suspend negotiations on the participation of Switzerland in ...
This programme is ideal for Bachelor's, Masters and PhD students who want to shape the future of space exploration in a thoughtful and responsible manner. Core topics covered in the course include ...
La Summer School RESILIENT AGRICULTURAL SYSTEMS FOR CLIMATE CHANGE ADAPTATION è rivolta a studenti di laura magistrale e di dottorato interessati a esplorare e promuovere strategie innovative e ...
Professional development courses, which do not have legal value, are short courses on specific aspects not covered by the traditional university offerings, designed for workers who wish to deepen ...
La Summer School in "Sistemi industriali digitali e sostenibili" è stata progettata per approfondire temi di grande impatto come la digitalizzazione e le nuove tecnologie (Industria 4.0), la ...
La Summer School WHY DO WE STUDY PLANTS? si propone di evidenziare il ruolo cruciale delle piante nei processi fisici, chimici, biologici e socio-culturali che sostengono la vita sulla Terra, con ...
La Summer School “ANIMALS IN A CHANGING WORLD: TACKLING ENVIRONMENTAL CHALLENGES FOR A SUSTAINABLE FUTURE” è rivolta a studenti di laurea magistrale e dottorato che desiderano esplorare le complesse ...