Genf – Zehn Jahre nach dem Start einer Kampagne gegen Staatenlosigkeit hat UNHCR, das Flüchtlingshilfswerk der Vereinten Nationen, eine positive Bilanz der Aktion gezogen. Mehr als eine halbe Million ...
As conflict forced thousands of children to flee to the safety of her hometown, Maimouna Ba rallied the community to provide support and education. Her organization Femmes pour la Dignite du Sahel (Wo ...
質問1.難民条約の歴史について教えて下さい。 難民を保護するための国際法、条約やガイドライン体系の発展の過程は、20世紀初めに、国際連合の前身である国際連盟から始まりました。1951年6月28日には、国連特別会議で、「難民の地位に関する条約」が ...
Social entrepreneur Jin Davod developed an innovative online platform that has provided thousands of refugees in Türkiye and elsewhere with access to free mental health services.
Five trailblazing women – a nun, an activist, a social entrepreneur, a volunteer aid worker and an advocate for ending statelessness – will be honoured as winners of the 2024 UNHCR Nansen Refugee ...
Deepti Gurung won legal identity for her two undocumented daughters and is now a major force in a movement for constitutional change to prevent statelessness in Nepal.
As conflict forced thousands of children to flee to the safety of her hometown, Maimouna Ba rallied the community to provide support and education. Her organization Femmes pour la Dignite du Sahel ...
Having dedicated her life to the refugee cause, Sister Rosita Milesi continues to shape and personify Brazil’s welcoming approach to people forced to flee. For her decades-long commitment to ...
The UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Filippo Grandi, concluded an urgent visit to Syria on Tuesday 8 October to mobilize support for 250,000 people who have fled the airstrikes in Lebanon and ...
تساعد المفوضية على إنقاذ الأرواح وبناء مستقبل أفضل للأشخاص المجبرين على الفرار من ديارهم. * 1.3 مليون فلسطيني نازح قسراً يمكن اعتبارهم في عداد اللاجئين والنازحين داخلياً، وقد جرى شملهم ضمن ...
More than 250,000 people have crossed into Syria since the escalation of the conflict in Lebanon began two weeks ago. Seventy per cent of them are Syrians who had sought safety in Lebanon. UN High ...
С 3 по 5 октября Агентство ООН по делам беженцев (УВКБ ООН) принимало участие в XI Международном фестивале импакт-кино «ЛАМПА» в Перми. Зрители увидели документальный фильм УВКБ ООН и Музея ...