With these sanctions, buyers who previously relied on Russian pollock have turned to Alaskan producers, which has helped maintain steady pricing despite rising production costs ...
The person getting the revenue knew, and the people at the top definitely, definitely, definitely knew’ foreign shrimp was ...
These three large-scale restoration sanctuaries represent a new chapter for oyster restoration in Maryland’ — Maryland Department of Natural Resources Secretary Josh Kurtz ...
The firm has claimed success in developing ‘proprietary processes for raw material preparation, making high-quality, skinless salmon available at market-friendly prices ...
What’s been argued to this committee [by anti-salmon farm activists] is that the model should be made even more precautionary ...
Size 20-30 Atlantic scallops have taken over the docks at the New Bedford, Massachusetts, seafood auction, reveals the latest ...
Oceana has already filed a lawsuit against US fishery managers for allegedly ‘failing to protect Alaska’s seafloor habitats’ ...
Fastnet Fish has completed a £2.6m upgrade to a coldstorage in Grimsby which was partly funded by the UK government ...
Australian trade officials announced an agreement with China on Thursday to resume exports of live lobsters, ending a four-year ban ...
Canada’s Department of Fisheries and Oceans is warning unlicensed lobster harvesters that they will be charged if they assault or endanger enforcement officers ...
Danish aquafeed maker BioMar announced that its Ecuadorian shrimp feed production facility has been certified by the ...
The management objectives for coastal Dungeness crab in the US state of Washington have not changed since 1999 ...