In the wake of devastating wildfires in Los Angeles that struck at the heart of the movie industry, an embattled Hollywood lined up behind the Netflix narco-musical about trans identity “Emilia Pérez” ...
The president of the company involved in the Mount Polley environmental disaster that poured millions of cubic metres of mine tailings into B.C. waterways 10 years ago says the material spilled wasn’t ...
Canada’s financial intelligence agency suspects online gambling platforms are being used to launder proceeds from fentanyl dealing and production. In an operational alert, the F ...
A documentary that follows an investigation into abuse and missing children at a residential school near Sugar Cane reserve in Williams Lake, B.C. has been nominated for an Oscar. “Sugarcane,” from ...
Mexican President Claudia Sheinbaum joked that if Trump went ahead with the renaming, her country would rename North America “Mexican America.” On Tuesday, she toned it down: “For us and for the ...