The beginning of January is always an opportunity for reflection. We remember the highs and lows of the year just ended. Hopefully we are able to appreciate the many things in our own lives for which ...
Read John Swinney's speech encouraging opposition parties to support a budget that delivers progress, renewal, and hope.
We've got what it takes - to create jobs, to create growth, and to create a more prosperous Scotland. What we need is the powers of independence, to realise Scotland's full potential.
We've got what it takes - to create jobs, to create growth, and to create a more prosperous Scotland. What we need is the powers of independence, to realise Scotland's full potential.
Scots invented both the modern game of football and the television, yet our national games are not free-to-air to anyone in Scotland. The recent success of both our men’s and women’s national teams ...
The powers to tackle avoidance and evasion for almost all taxes, including Income Tax, lie at Westminster. We have consistently called for greater tax transparency and stronger action from the Tory ...
If you need the help of your SNP representatives in Holyrood or Westminster, you'll find your local MSP or MP here.
Kate Forbes MSP is from Dingwall, although she spent part of her upbringing in Glasgow and India. Until she was elected as MSP for Skye, Lochaber and Badenoch, Kate was employed as an accountant in ...