The last in a series of 10 short clips on coaching yourself and your team with inclusion and compassion. Our unique individuality about how we show up and how we work together as a team matters.
Conflicting priorities and managing teams in complex scenarios can be difficult. Coach, speaker and author, Rasheed Ogunlaru, shares ideas and tools to help you think about your energy to help you ...
When the busy-ness takes over how can mindfulness and compassion help you to lead-well? Coach, speaker and author Rasheed Ogunlaru reminds us of the value to take care of self and guides the learner ...
As a team leader you have been managing through uncertainty for a long time now. Coach, speaker and author Rasheed Ogunlaru, spends 11 minutes reminding us that change happens all the time and our ...
Values are not just a nice to have – they are essential in supporting your people’s wellbeing. This video will help you to connect your people to the positive impact they have on the world. RECOVER ...
As a team leader you will be flexing your communication skills every day. Coach, speaker and author, Rasheed Ogunlaru provides some useful tools and reminders on how to lead from your heart to support ...
Rasheed Ogunlaru (coach, speaker, author) shares 10 things to help you lead yourself and your team to stay connected and motivated so that you can navigate the challenges together.
In this short 3 and a half minute video, our senior programme manager for #ProjectM Beverley Powell shares a brief summary of some tips and good practice around developing strategic networks. During ...
What makes a great day at work? You might be surprised. This one simple thing is the number one driver of good days at work across the NHS. Watch it now. You’ll thank us… RECOVER YOUR WELLBEING ...
When we asked team leaders about important leadership behaviours in crisis, comments about ‘authenticity’, being ‘vulnerable’ and that it was OK to ‘wobble’ followed. In this 20-minute Ted Talk by ...
R – Reach out People who build great relationships at work achieve better results and enjoy their work more. Help our people to reach out and benefit from those connections. RECOVER YOUR WELLBEING ...
This three minute video is the second in a series of four around managing in and though a crisis presented by Aimee Robson. In this video, Aimee continues the series by explaining the second concept ...