Der Hauptmann der Perchten, Bernhard Urban, erklärt: „Mit unserem Perchtenspruch ’An Fried, an Reim und an Gsund’ überbringen ...
The working price per kilowatt hour will remain relatively stable, but significantly higher grid charges will be incurred and ...
The "Krone" visited Austria coach Stephan Helm at his home in Pamhagen in Burgenland. The 41-year-old talks about the ...
LeBron James hat sich in seinem 19. Weihnachtsspiel mit einem Sieg in der Heimat eines seiner größten Rivalen, Stephen Curry, ...
LeBron James gave himself a nice present in his 19th Christmas game with a victory at the home of one of his biggest rivals, ...
Two days after the controversial victory of the long-standing ruling party Frelimo, the situation in the south-east African ...
Deutschland wartet seit über 20 Jahren auf einen Vierschanzentournee-Sieger aus den eigenen Reihen. Vor der 73. Ausgabe trägt ...
Germany has been waiting over 20 years for a Four Hills Tournament winner from its own ranks. Ahead of the 73rd edition, Pius ...
Strom und Gas werden im nächsten Jahr empfindlich teurer. Grund dafür sind steigende Gebühren und auslaufende staatliche ...
A terrible accident late on Wednesday evening in East Tyrol: a 38-year-old local man crashed his car into a wooden fence. The ...
Das mit Abstand teuerste Bauteil an Elektroautos und hauptverantwortlich für die hohen Autopreise sind deren Akkus. Aber: ...
By far the most expensive component in electric cars and the main reason for the high car prices are their batteries. However ...