Jennifer Swanson, deputy assistant secretary of the Army for data, engineering and software, announced in a press release today the launch of a pilot, #CalibrateAI, that will explore applications of ...
Brig. Gen. Steven R. Grove, USA, has been assigned as director, intelligence, J-2, U.S. Central Command, MacDill Air Force Base, Florida.
Janes delivers the world’s most complete collection of open-source defense and security intelligence to support your mission. Over 130 million interconnections. One source of truth With ...
Rear Adm. Peter A. Garvin, USN, has been nominated for appointment to the grade of vice admiral, with assignment as president, National Defense University, Washington, D.C.
Lt. Gen. John D. Lamontagne, USAF, has been appointed to the grade of general, with assignment as commander, Air Mobility Command, Scott Air Force Base, Illinois.
AFCEA International’s The Cyber Edge Writing Award contest is now open for submissions. Each year, SIGNAL Media invites thought leaders from industry, academia, government and military backgrounds to ...
Navy Information Warfare Industry Day provides business intelligence to help the Navy advance and ingrain information warfare. This classified event stresses public/private partnerships and identifies ...
Researchers at Sandia have developed High-Performance Nanoantenna Enabled-Detectors, which will allow for enormous advancements over current state-of-the-art using an architecture that is independent ...
Maj. Gen. Michael L. Downs, USAF, has been nominated for appointment to the grade of lieutenant general, with assignment as associate director of the Central Intelligence Agency for Military Affairs, ...
Col. Jonathan C. Taylor, USA, has been nominated for appointment to the grade of brigadier general.
Internet of Things technologies, known IoT, have changed the operational paradigm of the defense industry, with military IoT applications and devices improving mission capabilities across a wide ...
Maj. Gen. Curtis A. Buzzard, USA, has been appointed to the grade of lieutenant general, with assignment as commander, Security Assistance Group – Ukraine, Operation Atlantic Resolve, Germany.