NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde, Scottish Renal Palliative Collaberative Group, The Glasgow Renal and Transplant Unit, South Glasgow University Hospital, The Beatson West of Scotland Cancer Centre, The ...
Correspondence to Dr Jason W Boland, Hull York Medical School, University of Hull, Hull HU6 7RX, UK; Jason.Boland{at}hyms.ac.uk Objectives There is increased interest in cannabinoids for cancer pain ...
Background To ensure patients and families receive appropriate end-of-life care pathways and guidelines aim to inform clinical decision making. Ensuring appropriate outcomes through the use of these ...
Correspondence to Dr Sara N Davison, Department of Medicine, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB T6G 2R3, Canada; sara.davison{at}ualberta.ca Objectives Prognostic tools with evidence for external ...
Correspondence to Dr Nicola White, Division of Psychiatry, Marie Curie Palliative Care Research Departent, University College London, London W1T7NF, UK; n.g.white{at}ucl.ac.uk Objectives To determine ...
Physical activity and prognosis and factors associated with low physical activity in patients with advanced or recurrent lung cancer: a retrospective, observational study ...
Background Palliative care providers serving Chinese patients lack a culture-specific model of communication, a strong evidence base for this and clear guidance on its application. Thus, providers ...
Objectives To consider the type and cost of clinical services delivered for patients with lymphoedema. Design Clinical cohort. Setting Independent hospices in the North East of England. Participants ...
Background Homeless adults experience a significant symptom burden when living with a life-limiting illness and nearing the end of life. This increases the inequalities that homeless adults face while ...
Objectives Symptom management and support of the family members (FMs) are considered essential aspects of palliative care. During end of life, patients are often not able to self-report symptoms.