小樽曾是北海道的经济中心,并籍此发展成为港口城镇。当时因为要经海路通过船舶装卸货物,为了进行高效的作业而建造了小樽运河。是通过填海造地而建,于1923年完工。缓和、弯曲的形状是其一大特征,这在其他运河上很难见到。 流通转向陆路后,小樽 ...
Winter has come to Japan, and so has a new line-up of exciting time-limited products! Every year, Japan greets winter with a ...
请使用微信扫一下二维码并共享。 约1200年前,因富士山爆发而形成的青木原树海。也有举办漫步于大自然中的导赏团。 设施说明 青木原树海位于西湖东侧,海拔高度约1000米左右。占地面积约3000公顷。据说距今1200年前,富士山爆发时喷涌而出的熔岩在冷却后 ...
The Dotombori-gawa River slices right through the Minami district of Osaka, and it is from the river's Ebisubashi Bridge that you can view the famous Glico neon billboard up close. The riverside ...
Many Japanese have a the image that Europeans, and Italians in particular, are on the cutting edge of beauty. But how do ...
Few dining delights can rival the rich, luxurious experience of savoring Japanese Wagyu and Kobe beef. Revered for their unparalleled quality, melt-in-your-mouth texture, and sumptuous flavor profiles ...
日本在新年初始之際會有所謂的「新年首賣」活動,是指百貨公司、購物商場、家電量販店等商家在新年期間推出商品,通常會有福袋或特別折扣促銷,會比平常更加熱鬧活絡。但是這些地方在年末年始營業時間經常更動,往往會提早開店或關門,這次小編一次 ...
In Japan, 'Hatsu-uri,' or the first sales of the year, marks the beginning of the year when shops, department stores, ...
For visitors to Japan, especially those checking out the Mt. Fuji-Kawaguchiko area, Hoto—a traditional local dish of ...
※ The above information was correct at the time of updating, but there may be changes to actual prices. Please confirm the current prices when visiting.
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