The purpose of this CRADA is to provide the contractual vehicle for Fermilab to receive funds from the College of DuPage in support of high school student research working with the Fermilab/University ...
We have developed a Monte Carlo generator for simulating charmonium J/ψ and ψ(2S) inclusive decay. In the model, charmonium decay via gluons is described by the QCD partonic theory, and the partonic ...
We give an explanation of the CP conservation of strong interactions which includes the effects of pseudoparticles. We find it is a natural result for any theory where at least one flavor of fermion ...
A very low power frontend circuit using the compensating common-gate scheme is described. It combines features of the regular common-gate topology and the trans-impedance amplifier (TIA) schemes ...
The Einstein equations with quantum one-loop contributions of conformally covariant matter fields are shown to admit a class of nonsingular isotropic homogeneous solutions that correspond to a picture ...
Expressions are derived for the mass of a stationary axisymmetric solution of the Einstein equations containing a black hole surrounded by matter and for the difference in mass between two neighboring ...
This manual is a practical guide for the use of our general-purpose Monte Carlo code MCNP. The first chapter is a primer for the novice user. The second chapter describes the mathematics, data, ...
Analytical experessions for the e + e − → μ + μ − cross section including all the one-loop radiative corrections in the context of the Weinberg model are presented. The systematic calculation of ...
One can evaluate the action for a gravitational field on a section of the complexified spacetime which avoids the singularities. In this manner we obtain finite, purely imaginary values for the ...
Due to polarization effects, the massM of a stable particle in a quantum field theory enclosed in a large (space-like) box of sizeL and periodic boundary conditions in general differs from its ...
Shanghai Jiao Tong U. and Shanghai Jiaotong U.