A resource for those involved in identifying, reporting and dealing with a child in need of protection, including child abuse. Handbook and Protocols for Manitoba Service Providers Reporting of Child ...
Le gouvernement du Manitoba a l'obligation légale de consulter les Premières Nations, les Métis, les Inuit et les communautés autochtones locales au sujet des lois, règlements, décisions ou mesures ...
En date du 18 octobre 2024, nous traitons les demandes reçues le 6 septembre 2024. Le présent avis est mis à jour tous les mardis et vendredis. Le registre contient le nom des personnes qui ont ...
Purpose: Federal-Provincial-Territorial Forum of Ministers Responsible for Immigration ...
Girl Power! The power of being a girl is discovering, expressing and pursuing who you are! As you go through life’s journey, know you are VALUABLE. You are UNIQUE. You have a VOICE. Celebrate OUR ...
Health is important to everyone. Being healthy is not just about not being sick. It’s much more than that. Being healthy includes caring for our physical bodies and how we feel and think. It is about ...
Families can be made up of many different relationships. There can be two parents, single parents, step parents, foster parents or adopted parents. Even extended family, like grandparents, aunts, ...
The Internet has changed our world. Most girls your age are great with computers. Chat sites, social networking sites, blogs...they’re all pretty cool places to visit in cyberspace. Who wouldn’t be ...
We would like to thank all the girls who spoke to us over the years and helped us with the content of this book. We received input from communities all around Manitoba. Girls from Brandon, Gimli, Lac ...
October 11th of each year is an opportunity to recognize and celebrate the rights of girls in Manitoba and across the globe. To mark 2014’s United Nations International Day of the Girl, Gender Equity ...
Nous avons récemment changé de nom. Le Secrétariat à la condition féminine du Manitoba s’appelle maintenant le Secrétariat manitobain pour les femmes et l’égalité des genres.
SAFETY ALERT: If you are in danger, please use a computer in a safe place, or call 911. You can leave this site quickly by clicking on Quick Escape (note: this does ...