1492年10月12日,三艘西班牙船在意大利航海家克里斯托夫·哥伦布的领导下,在今天的巴哈马群岛的一个岛屿登陆。自从1892年以来,每年10月份的第二个星期一都被用来庆祝这一事件。这一天还用来纪念意大利裔美国人的成就。 全球接触中心特使兼协调员詹姆斯· ...
以下是一篇反映美国政府政策立场的社论: 国务卿安东尼·布林肯(Antony Blinken)在访问老挝期间表示,在过去四年中,美国和东南亚国家联盟(ASEAN)的伙伴关系比以往任何时候都更加强大和广泛。事实上,拜登总统去年将美国与东盟的关系提升为全面战略伙伴关系。
以下是一篇反映美国政府政策立场的社论: 中华人民共和国于10月14日进行了大规模军事演习,包括在台湾及其离岛周围飞行了创纪录数量的战斗机和其他战机。 北京表示,其军事演习旨在对台湾独立势力发出“严厉警告”。 在这次演习之前四天,台湾总统赖清 ...
"We will continue to combat the ongoing threat that ISIS and its supporters pose to America’s national security," said U.S.
The solution to this crisis is not a weaker Lebanon. It’s a strong and truly sovereign Lebanon protected by a legitimate ...
We know education is key to closing the digital divide. Unfortunately, today, 119 million girls remain out of school, and ...
U.S. Department of Defense Press Secretary Major General Pat Ryder in a statement called the PRC’s military operation ...
Over the past four years, the U.S. and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, or ASEAN, have made their partnership ...
The United States remains deeply concerned by the continuing conflict in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo.
The United States, she observed, has directly deployed more than $260 million to support businesses in Ukraine, ...
We have a moral imperative to take care of children who have been separated from their families or have lost a parent or ...
On this day, President Joe Biden annually issues two proclamations: one for Columbus Day, and a second for Indigenous Peoples ...