PANews 1月7日消息,据Beincrypto报道,美联储监管副主席Michael Barr今日宣布他将辞去这一职务。Barr将不再担任美联储理事会的第三把手,但他打算在接到进一步通知前继续留在美联储。业界普遍认为,Barr是美国银行未能涉足加密货币及相关服务的关键因素之一。 根据最近的一份新闻稿,他的辞职将在2月28日或继任者得到确认后生效。然而,即使很快找到新的监管副主席,Barr仍将继续 ...
Barr辞去美联储银行监管副主席一职 资本金改革规定存在变数 美联储负责银行监管的副主席Michael Barr计划辞去这个职位,以避免与候任总统特朗普可能的争执。随着他的离去,美国银行资本金新规的未来被打上问号。 美联储周一表示,除非提前确认继任人选,Barr计划于2月28日卸任。他将继续担任美联储理事。 Barr表示,“负责银行监管的副主席一职是在全球金融危机之后设立的,目的是强化美联储对金融 ...
Michael Barr, the U.S. Federal Reserve’s Vice Chair for Supervision, has announced his resignation, effective on February 28, 2025, or sooner if a successor is appointed. Barr’s departure follows ...
Michael Barr is stepping down as Wall Street’s top regulator but will stay on as a governor at the Federal Reserve, the US central bank announced on Monday. Barr will vacate his role as vice-chair for ...
Michael Barr says his choice to step down from his role as Vice Chair for Supervision came down to the calculus that even winning a fight with the incoming Trump administration to stay would be a loss ...
The Fed’s vice chair for bank supervision steps down ahead of Trump.
美联储周一宣布,迈克尔•巴尔 (Michael Barr)将卸任银行监管副主席的职位,但将留任美联储理事。 巴尔将于2月底卸任监管副主席一职,缩短从2022年7月开始的四年任期。他将继续担任理事,直到2032年1月任期届满,这意味着由七名成员组成的理事会将不会出现新的空缺。
Michael Barr, the Federal Reserve's top banking regulator, will be stepping down Feb. 28, though he will stay on as governor.
Federal Reserve Vice Chair of Supervision Michael Barr's decision on Monday to resign early from his regulatory oversight role sets up an early test of how Donald Trump will try to shape the U.S.
美国银行股在Michael Barr卸任美联储监管副主席的消息推动下攀升,KBW银行股指数一度上涨2.2%。市场普遍认为Barr的离职将导致监管放松,花旗、Western Alliance和摩根士丹利等银行股领涨。尽管Barr将不再负责银行监管,他仍将继续担任美联储理事会成员。
智通财经APP获悉,美联储负责银行监管的副主席迈克尔·巴尔(Michael Barr)将于2月28日辞去这一职位,为当选总统特朗普任命接替人选扫清障碍,同时避免两者之间可能出现的潜在冲突。
Sunrise’s Nat Barr has recalled the time she hilariously stormed the stage at an INXS concert in Perth, putting her almost ...