Lichtenstein pleaded guilty to stealing nearly 120,000 bitcoins from Bitfinex in 2016, and then conspiring with his wife, ...
US prosecutors have requested a shorter 5-year jail term for Ilya Lichtenstein, who spearheaded the $6 billion Bitfinex hack.
US prosecutors are asking for a 5 year prison sentence for Ilya Lichtenstein, involved in the $6 billion Bitfinex hack and ...
Bitfinex hacker Ilya Lichtenstein should serve five years in prison, Department of Justice attorneys wrote in a court filing.
US prosecutors recommend a five-year sentence for Ilya Lichtenstein, the mastermind behind the 2016 Bitfinex hack.
Prosecutors recommend five-year sentence for Bitfinex hacker Ilya Lichtenstein, due to extensive cooperation with authorities.
US prosecutors recommended 5 years in prison and 3 years of supervised release for Ilya Lichtenstein, mastermind of the $6b Bitfinex hack.
BlockBeats 消息,10 月 17 日,据 Cointelegraph 报道,美国检察官正在要求承认在 2016 年从加密货币交易所 Bitfinex 盗取 120,000 枚比特币的 Ilya Lichtenstein 被判入狱五年。在 10 月 15 日的文件中,检察官向华盛顿特区联邦法院申请,要求 Lichtenstein 的刑期少于他因认罪洗钱阴谋罪而可能面临的 20 年刑期。他们 ...
US prosecutors are asking for the hacker who stole 120,000 Bitcoin from Bitfinex to get five years in prison, a lighter ...
The mastermind of one of the biggest cryptocurrency heists ever should spend five years in prison for a money-laundering conspiracy tied to the $6 billion hack of the Bitfinex exchange, US prosecutors ...
Bitfinex hackers Ilya Lichtenstein and Heather Morgan face sentencing for laundering stolen Bitcoin from the 2016 Bitfinex ...
美国检察官建议对2016年Bitfinex黑客Ilya ...