The Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) continued its steady drift into the high end on Thursday, gaining 0.8% and adding around 350 points to the tally as investors broadly tilt into a risk on stance ...
the Dow Jones Industrial Average lagged the S&P 500, which soared 23%. But the diversity among the performances of the individual Dow Jones stocks was considerable. While the top-performing Dow ...
Rising over 13% in 2024, the Dow Jones Industrial Average lagged the S&P 500, which soared 23%. While Boeing dragged the index down last year, Nvidia (NASDAQ: NVDA) took up the slack and was the ...
The Dow Jones Industrial Average was up 776 points, or 1.8%, at 43,294. The S&P 500 was up roughly 111 points, or 1.9%, at 5,954. The Nasdaq Composite was up about 469 points, or 2.5%, near 19,514.