在美国横行无阻的Costco,很难直接在地球的另一端进行模式复制。 最近,Costco为了庆祝深圳会员店开业一周年,启动了全新的同城配送服务,可以覆盖深圳市的主要商业和居民区,最快可以在半日内送达。
The retail giant is swatting back at a conservative activist group, buoyed by loyal customers and staff.
Reddit has been abuzz with a rumor that a shopper found a bottle of King of Kentucky bourbon on the shelves at Costco in ...
“我可以证实,在我开车去加油站时看到有人开着一辆相当不错的车把一个人送了下来。他的牌子上写着,“无家可归,愿为现金工作”但他的衣服比我的好。另外,我知道所有新来的都可以从联邦政府那里拿钱和住宿。我不会上他们的当。” ...
Costco members on social media have highlighted some things about the warehouse retailer that they believe could be improved.
Costco在中国市场的探索之路并不平坦,尤其是在复制其在美国的成功模式时遇到了诸多挑战。为庆祝深圳会员店开业一周年,Costco近期推出了同城配送服务,覆盖深圳主要商业区和居民区,承诺最快半日内送达。这一举措标志着Costco开始重视线上配送,试图 ...