The Xbox Series X is a powerhouse of a console, but most games aren't split-screen anymore. Here are all the best games that still support split-screen play.
Xbox Series X isn't looking to wow you with its design. Just look at its direct rival, the PlayStation 5. Unlike Sony's swanky dual-winged dual-tone console and its matching rebranded controller, ...
【本文由小黑盒作者@黄昏百分百于01月18日发布,转载请标明出处!】 大家好,我是黄昏百分百,马上就要到农历春节了,无论是番剧还是游戏,都会在这段时间井喷,我也提前为自己入手了新春礼物:Xbox Series X ...
Xbox Series ... or Xbox Series X version of Assassin’s Creed Valhalla on a screen in front of me, I honestly wouldn’t be able to tell the difference. Both systems ran the game at 4K at 60 ...
When tested, the Xbox Series X boasted better bandwidth than the PS5 Pro, but only by a small margin. Both consoles are equipped to handle the newest games in glorious 4K definition, but those ...
Amazing product, and amazing packaging by Amazon. Loved it. ️ ️This is a powerful current gen console, so if anyone who is not willing to buy series X|S or Ps5 due to the budget, this console is a ...
油管用户ElAnalistaDeBits最近分享了一段视频,比较了《天国:拯救2》在PS5、PS5 Pro、Xbox Series X和PC平台上的画质表现。以下是各版本的规格: 使用最高设置实现4K分辨率(未指定具体显卡型号),包括DLSS 2技术和高端GPU如RTX系列(如RTX 4xxx系列)、i9处理器以及32GB DDR5内存。
The Stone of Madness is a hardcore real-time tactics and stealth game set in a Spanish madhouse in the late 18th century. Located in the Pyrenees, a timeworn Jesuit monastery is home both to a ...
The long-awaited Sid Meier's Civilization 7 is finally almost here, but if you're going to play on PC, you need to make sure ...
It supports HDMI 2.1 bandwidth for 4K at 120Hz gaming on the PS5 and Xbox Series X. FreeSync Premium VRR, combined with its low input lag, makes it a fantastic TV for highly competitive shooter games.
微软Xbox官方近日公布了1月份第二批XGP游戏阵容,共有14款游戏将加入,包括《狙击精英:抵抗》、《EternalStrands》、《深空梦里人2》等。这些游戏可以通过云游戏、PC和XboxSeriesX|S进行游玩。其中,一些游戏将在1月 ...
微软Xbox官方近日公布了2025年1月下旬的XGP游戏新增名单,总计有十多款新游戏将登陆平台。其中包括《永恒之链》、《 兽人必须死 !死亡陷阱》、《 狙击精英 :反抗军》和《深空梦里人2》等热门游戏。