A bundle featuring a Fortnite PS5 Slim is available now for a reduced price.
微软Xbox于1月24日凌晨2点举行开发者直面会直播,加拿大蒙特利尔工作室CompulsionGames和法国蒙彼利埃工作室SandfallInteractive都将受到访问,以获得更多关于《午夜以南》和《光与影:33号远征队》的详细信息。同时 ...
Microsoft officially announces its third-ever Xbox Developer Direct, complete with its date and some exciting content lineup details.
【本文由小黑盒作者@况天佑于01月09日发布,转载请标明出处!】 哇,太好了!湖北的朋友们有福了,湖北现在增加了游戏机的补贴种类,像索尼PS5、微软Xbox Series X|S、任天堂Switch还有高性能的ROG Ally掌机都有,能以八折优惠买到喜欢的游戏机,这对游戏迷来说真是太划算了!我已经买了ROG ...
Microsoft has discussed more of its plans for an Xbox handheld, as it attempts to combine the Xbox dashboard and Windows.
SanDisk has been pretty busy - not only is it in the midst of receiving a new-fangled flashy logo, but the ...
Analysis of leaked images of the Nintendo Switch 2 motherboard suggest the new console will be more powerful than it first ...
近期,关于微软即将推出的新主机Xbox Prime的传闻在网上热议,玩家们好奇这款新品是否会改变现有的游戏格局。一时间,Xbox Prime成了众多玩家讨论的重点。然而,近日被称为“Xbox舅舅”的知名游戏行业人士出面进行了辟谣,令众多期待的玩家再次陷入迷雾之中。
With knowledge of the gaming industry, this rumor already seems relatively untrustworthy. A notable Xbox insider, Jez Cordon, contributed to the post, saying, " It’s not true,” shutting down any ...
Microsoft's next-generation Xbox console is called 'Xbox Prime' and Infinity Ward's new Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 4 would ...
Steam Deck too dinky for you? Always wished you could purchase a handheld gaming PC capable of obscuring your entire ...
Ben is a News Writer at Pure Xbox, and is a fan of action, racing and straight-up shootin' in any Xbox game he can get his ...