Discover common mistakes to avoid when growing 'Purple Dragon' lamium as a stunning ground cover. Learn essential tips for ...
I usually wait until mid-January to write something on this topic but this week I saw my first severe pruning of a crape myrtle for this dormant season earlier this month. So, instead of visions ...
Timing is everything when it comes to pruning a crape myrtle. So when is it too late to prune crape myrtles if you want blooms in the summer? Along with not cutting off next year’s flowers ...
Pruning may not top your list of favorite landscaping activities, but it’s a vital part of caring for your trees. It’s just as important to know why, when, and how to safely prune your trees. Tree ...
While raspberries and blackberries have different habits, once they bear fruit on canes grown in the previous years, then pruning is a sure thing you have to do on both. The two biggest benefits of ...
Q. Our ground cover roses are getting too large for the site. When can I prune them back to the desired size? A. Good pruning weather arrives now through winter. While heavy rose pruning normally ...
A patch of multiple hosta sprouts coming out of the soil - kmarina/Shutterstock If you have a bare shady patch in your yard and a tight budget, have you considered growing hostas from seed?