Tamil Nadu BJP State President Annamalai had condemned Navaskani for allegedly gathering a group and consuming non-vegetarian food at the Thiruparankundram Subramanya Swamy hill, which is considered ...
‘Plant-based’ is a term which resonates with them and manufacturers too. “The Vegetarian Society offers third-party checking, registration and trademark services for products which meet the ...
Though challenging, it is possible to follow a vegetarian or vegan keto diet. Those who do not eat meat or fish can replace these products with high fat plant-based foods. Vegetarians can also eat ...
With many people now vegetarian or vegan, or dabbling in meat free days and meet free meals, there is plenty of demand for some great-tasting food. Luckily, in Wales, there are some fab vegan and ...
This well-rounded rice bowl is packed with fiber and probiotic foods like kimchi and yogurt ... These healthy vegetarian bowls feature black lentils braised in spices like thyme and smoked paprika.