The Computer Simulation department develops efficient and high-precision numerical methods for the calculation of complex flows with combustion. The main tool is the in-house code ThetaCOM developed ...
This is a one (1) unit course. This is a hands-on course on computer simulation of business, service, and manufacturing systems that are subject to uncertainty or risk. Spreadsheet simulation using ...
US DOE seeks to purchase 20MW super computer to maintain its nuclear ... ATS-5 will be capable of handling massive 3D simulations essential for the National Nuclear Security Administration's ...
The Department of Energy's new ATS-5 supercomputer will have at least 10PB of computer memory and manage the US nuclear ...
Instead of just telling us to read the protocol on how to deal ... and what they can learn from them. “Computer simulations allow organizations to train for situations virtually that are not ...
Not surprisingly, Mark Finney of the U.S. Forest Service's Missoula Fire Sciences Laboratory and the creator of FARSITE, a fire-growth computer program, sees the value of simulations, as do others ...
The theory that we might all be living in a computer simulation has gotten ... now apparently asking scientists to help break us out of the simulation. That's according to a new profile in The ...
"What if your reality was nothing more than a complex computer simulation? And if you were just a program on someone else's hard drive, how would you know? Who would be controlling your every move?
“El Capitan” is the world’s fastest supercomputer and the third exascale computer on the planet. The world’s fastest ...
It may allow us to think of ways ... When running EvolGenius and similar simulation programs, computers don't really draw "random" numbers. Rather, most compilers (computer programs that convert ...