We reviewed SteelSeries' best headset back in 2023. How has it held up since then? Is it still worth its high price?
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微软宣布,Xbox游戏机将很快支持16TB以上的外置硬盘。Xbox内部人士已经确认支持更大的外部USB存储,作为系统软件更新的一部分,现在正在以Alpha版本向公开测试者推出。与以往一样,这个新特性在广泛的公开发布之前,通常会在接下来的几周内,慢慢地 ...
Microsoft is expanding storage options for Xbox Series X/S, allowing external USB drives larger than 16 terabytes through a ...
Xbox now supports external USB hard drives larger than 16TB. Drives formatted on the Xbox Series X|S will be split into ...
在本次更新中,Xbox将首次支持外接USB硬盘容量超过16TB。这一变化将使得玩家可以随时畅玩自己喜欢的游戏。需要注意的是,新的外部USB硬盘格式化时使用了多个分区来充分利用所有可用空间进行游戏和应用程序的存储。这些分区会以多个设备的形式出现在存储设 ...
Xbox Series X/S owners have something to look forward to as upgrades for the storage capacity of the consoles are being ...
Microsoft announces a new update that will remove the 16TB restriction on external storage devices for Xbox consoles.
Microsoft pushed out an update to the Alpha and Skip Ahead Insider channels for Xbox consoles that enables support for large ...
近期,Xbox向其Alpha Skip-Ahead通道的预览体验用户推出了一项令人期待的系统更新,新增了对超大容量外部存储设备的支持,这一变化可以说是为玩家们带来了极大的便利。此次更新最大的亮点在于Xbox首次支持外接的USB硬盘容量超过16TB,这无疑是满足了玩家对存储空间的迫切需求,让游戏爱好者可以随时随地畅玩心仪的作品。
Xbox has a new beta software update rolling out today for Insiders in the Alpha Skip-Ahead ring that enables Series X and S ...