I had a package of frozen, organic ground turkey in my freezer. Hmmm, there goes my beef chili. I headed for the internet to see what I needed to make a turkey (sometimes called white) chili.
Did you know your dinner choices impact both your family's health and the planet? Discover how small changes, like swapping beef for plant-based options, can reduce greenhouse gases and make a big ...
Mix things up this Christmas Day with Rachel Allen's spiced beef with red cabbage and roast potatoes. Photo: Tony Gavin Rachel Allen's spiced beef with crunchy roast potatoes and red cabbage.
The menu offerings of roast turkey, roast lamb, wagyu steak and increasingly popular beef Wellington, priced from RM300 upwards, are now key players in many modern Malaysian Christmas feasts, with ...
but experts have now revealed precisely how long you can keep a cooked turkey in the fridge before it becomes unsafe and when to discard other types of meat such as pork, beef, chicken ...