Shah Rukh Khan and Salman Khan, Bollywood icons, have had their battles with smoking. SRK made a public commitment to quit on his 59th birthday. Salman also gave it up after facing health issues.
BROWNSVILLE — It was an unusually cold Saturday morning in the Rio Grande Valley but that didn't stop hundreds of people from forming a line that wound throughout the south side of the Brownsville ...
SINGAPORE: While much of a child’s screen time happens at home, experts say new guidelines on screen use in schools can significantly shape children's habits. Dr Ong Say How from the Institute of ...
The movie was a screen adaptation of the Mark Medoff play about a deaf woman’s romantic relationship with a hearing speech teacher. When the “Dead Silence” star won the Oscar for best actress at the ...
They’re the possessions that tell your story: the photos of old friends and relatives. The ring your mom left you. The hand-knit Christmas stockings. Your grandfather’s secretary desk and the letters ...