Adam Scott, 51, stars as Mark Scout in the Apple TV Plus series, which follows the employee of the fictional corporation Lumon Industries who agrees to a ‘severance’ program in which his non-work ...
In professional wrestling, so many stories and pranks have been pulled, and Rikishi's prank on Kurt Angle is just another example. Some can be light, and many ...
Pann’s Restaurant in Los Angeles, California, is a beloved diner known for its mouthwatering breakfast dishes that will have you coming back for more! Ladies and gentlemen, fasten your taste buds and ...
Retired Daytona Beach News-Journal motorsports writer Godwin Kelly performed stand-up comedy for 20 minutes at the Cristy B Comedy Club at an open-mic night in November. Kelly, a longtime Palm Coast ...
Netanyahu pointed to Musk’s visiting Israel after the Oct. 7, 2023, Hamas attack and advocating for what he said was “Israel’s right to defend itself against genocidal terrorists and regimes who seek ...