A cat was found in bitter cold on Monday, to the point its temperature wasn't registering on a thermometer, but now she's on the mend.
You’re not imagining it. Life gets louder when the weather gets colder. Those thuds and bangs folks awake to happen because ...
In some cases, the Arctic blast gripping Chicago could lead to frozen pipes, which could burst and lead to flooding.
If you forgot to plant your spring bulbs last fall, here is what you need to do right now to save them and possibly get ...
Temperature highs on Wednesday could get close to 20 degrees, with lows possible around 9 degrees. Wednesday also is expected ...
There are a number of steps you can take to prepare for the storm, from having a plan in place in the event of a power outage ...
The $29.25 million sale on Capstone Point Court that closed Dec. 20 ranked as No. 2 for the year behind a $35 million sale in ...
Wind chills as low as 24 degrees below zero are expected through Wednesday morning, according to weather forecasters.
When the weather is very cold outside, let the cold water drip from the faucet served by exposed pipes. Running water through ...
A blast of cold air is expected to move into Houston on Sunday, and we could see snow and ice early next week. Here's our forecast.
Bitterly cold temperatures were due to arrive in Chattanooga on Sunday and last through the week. An Arctic Air Mass will bring temps in Chattanooga to as low as 13 degrees, with wind chill bringing ...
The Laura Cowan Story," Lifetime's latest movie, for free online this Saturday, Jan. 18, if you don't have cable.