The Delhi High Court Friday dismissed a plea by seven BJP MLAs seeking the court’s direction to the Assembly Speaker to table 14 CAG reports in the Assembly before the elections.
While new House rules prevent Democrats from leading committees, it increases the power of the vice-chair position which will still give Democrats some say in legislation.
Ty Pendlebury has worked at CNET since 2006. He lives in New York City where he writes about TVs and home entertainment. Expertise Ty has worked for radio, print, and online publications, and has ...
Here is a list of speakers priced under Rs. 3,000 that are currently available in the Indian market – the perfect place to start your hunt for a speaker system or portable speaker on a budget.
It was November 2016 and the ballroom at Miami Valley Gaming was nearly empty, except for a few wait staff members filing water glasses and organizers checking reservations and table assignments.