“HaHaHa! Halloween Party,” a seasonal daytime event featuring Pokémon characters, is underway at Universal Studios Japan. The event features the show “Pokémon Jumpin’ Halloween Party” led by DJ ...
The same is true when it comes to Japan. Gaming fans can easily travel to and around Japan thanks to these fun and complex games that let their players explore everything from modern Tokyo to ...
The two first met in 2016 on the set of Spears’ music video for her song “Slumber Party” in which Asghari had been cast as the singer’s love interest. They became Instagram official in ...
Tokyo, Jan. 7 (Jiji Press)--Japan and China will resume dialogue between their ruling parties next week, it was learned Tuesday. The dialogue between the Japanese ruling bloc and the Chinese ...
Hiroshi Moriyama, secretary-general of the Liberal Democratic Party of Japan, and Makoto Nishida, secretary-general of the Komeito Party, will lead a delegation of Japan's ruling parties to visit ...
Even if Ishiba does want to expand the coalition, he may find it difficult to realize it. Yoshihiko Noda, who leads the main opposition Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan, has already dismissed ...
They had been stuck there for around 24 hours due to severe weather conditions, and were trapped in sub-zero temperatures in a state of hypothermia. Photos of the rescued Israelis with the Israeli ...
Ishiba's Liberal Democratic Party remains the top party in Japan's parliament, and a change of government is not expected. But the results create political uncertainty. Falling short of a majority ...
Major opposition parties in Japan have expressed their intention not to participate in the grand coalition recently mentioned by Prime Minister Shigeru Ishiba. Yoshihiko Noda, chairman of the main ...