Is there anyone who is a devout lover of God? Let them enjoy this beautiful bright festival! Is there anyone who is a grateful servant? Let them rejoice and enter into the joy of their Lord!
The Norfolk City Council passed on first reading an ordinance to prohibit the possession or use of any vape and/or tobacco product to any person under the age of 21.
Both those qualities help explain Jesus to us. This Sunday we will talk about the Bread of Life. “Behold! Every one who thirsts, come to the waters; and you who have no money come, buy and eat.
Quick note: While these restaurants have announced that they will be open on Easter Sunday, it’s best to call ahead to confirm hours and make reservations where you can. Enjoy! Get Reader’s ...
Easter Sunday falls on March 31 this year, and it will be here before you know it. There’s a lot that goes into planning an Easter celebration, like organizing Easter egg hunts, getting Easter ...
Easter Sunday, which celebrates Jesus' resurrection ... During Mass (for Catholics) or worship service (for Protestants), the priest or pastor will usually share a sermon that is penitential and ...
In Greece, Orthodox Easter is celebrated with an entire week of festivities – aptly titled The Holy Week – with Good Friday, Easter Sunday, and Easter Monday being celebrated as public holidays. The ...
Orthodox Easter occurs anywhere from mid-April to early May. Easter is celebrated in Cyprus as the holiest day of the Christian year and the whole of Holy Week, from Palm Sunday till Easter Sunday, is ...
On Christmas Eve, melodious Christmas carols echoed through an old church in Shanghai. It has a history of over a hundred years. Hundreds of Christians celebrated Christmas through songs, sacred ...
“If Christ has not been raised, then our preaching is in vain and your faith ... The empty tomb In the reading from John’s Gospel for this Easter Sunday we are told that Mary Magdalene ...
Today is the Second Sunday of Epiphany. What does that tell us? Well, Epiphany means manifestation, or revelation. It is the moment the penny drops, or the light goes on. When something is made ...